Washington Business Alliance


Interactive Timeline, Innovation in Washington

Vinyl, as in those LPs you still cherish and play on a turntable. Invented by a University of Washington chemical engineering grad student in 1926. The automated fish cleaner, single-handled water faucet, portable heart defibrillator, kidney dialysis machine, the bone...

Electric Battery Buses to be King of the Road in King County

"These new battery buses will multiply our ability to protect our climate and clean air in King County,” says Councilwoman Claudia Balducci. Transportation creates nearly half of all of Washington’s greenhouse emissions. The King County Strategic Climate Action Plan...

Energy Conservation Adds Wealth in WA

Community energy efficiency programs keep Washingtonians working, and conserving energy, while bringing robust economic benefits and improving  building stock. This is no accident. Energy planners in the northwest understand that the smartest, most cost-effective way...

Creative Approach Needed When Hiring

Employers are always looking for the ideal employee. The one who comes to work when scheduled, is on time, takes initiative and is a team player. Hard to find, right? Maybe it's time to start taking a more creative approach to finding those employees. There is growing...

Cruise Electric on Washington’s Scenic 440 mile Cascade Loop

Cruise Electric on Washington’s Scenic 440 mile Cascade Loop

Summer has started and driving season is in full swing. Some of Washington State’s most awe inspiring destinations can be found on the 440 mile Cascade Loop Highway. The beauty of the Cascades is a magnet for nature lovers, but until recently a lack of charging...

Washington is the Epicenter of Next Generation eCommerce

Washington is the Epicenter of Next Generation eCommerce

A traditional Russian proverb that became popular during the Reagan administration was “Trust but Verify.”  It was part of the change journey that helped end the Cold War.  The adoption of digital payments or cryptocurrencies has possibly been the slowest of the...

Data Dive: How the Recession Shifted Washington State’s Economy

Data Dive: How the Recession Shifted Washington State’s Economy

by Hans D. Stroo on May 19, 2015 Washington State has largely recovered from the Great Recession. Statewide unemployment peaked in 2010 at 10.4% and has been steadily declining since then. Demand for unemployment benefits and employment services has been decreasing....

Manufacturing Jobs, Wages, and Productivity

Manufacturing Jobs, Wages, and Productivity

Manufacturing is one of the U.S. economy's most dynamic sectors. Around 2/3 of private sector R&D spending comes from manufacturing firms. Additionally, manufacturing has the highest "multiplier effect" of any major sector. A multiplier effect is an economic...

Data Dive: Occupations, Health, and Habits

Data Dive: Occupations, Health, and Habits

by Hans D. Stroo on April 13, 2015 In Washington State, the prevalence of obesity roughly doubled over the last twenty years. Obesity is expensive. It leads to bad health outcomes that can be highly dangerous for the afflicted and expensive for employers. The...

Creating a Market for Cross-Laminated Timber

“It can become another signature of sustainability for a region known for environmental leadership - what other types of buildings can you literally grow from a handful of seeds?” – architect Susan Jones Progress in creating a regional and national market for cross...

Creating a Path to College Success

Creating a Path to College Success

Source: Academic Link Outreach The American Library Association (ALA) describes equality this way, “The ideal of equal access is fundamental to American democracy.” We know the concept “all men are created equal” sets up a strong expectation that every citizen...

Low Carbon Prosperity

Low Carbon Prosperity

Bolstered by growing public support for climate action, international, federal, state, and local governments are considering a suite of policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Washington's unique clean and competitive energy assets position the...

Consumer Appeal, Risks and Choices

For the first time in over a hundred years, consumers can choose the source of their home electricity. In fact, with factorial increases in the adoption of solar technologies due to lower costs, technological gains, and policy incentives, some consumers are already...

Contribute to This Blog

Welcome to Catalyst, the blog of the Washington Business Alliance's PLAN Washington initiative. As you'll see, PLAN Washington is an ambitious and non-partisan strategic plan for the state pegged to Year 2025 performance goals and emerging strategies for achieving...

Community Sourced Capital to Grow Local Economies

Americans hold roughly $30 trillion in long term savings, and in Seattle it’s about $70 billion. Yet nationally almost none of that – less than one percent – is invested in the small, locally owned businesses that make up nearly 50 percent of U.S. GDP and 80 percent...

Carbon Fiber Recycling Facility Hits New Milestone

Carbon Fiber Recycling Facility Hits New Milestone

by Hans D. Stroo on July 22, 2016 Port Angeles, WA — Earlier this month a new agreement was announced between the Composite Recycling Technology Center (CRTC), the Tennessee-based national composites manufacturing institute, and Peninsula College. Washington’s junior...

Computer Science in the K-12 Classroom

by Matt Rosenberg on April 15, 2014 Computer coding doesn't have to be your core competency but increasingly it's an important skill to have for scientists, engineers, economists, creatives and many more. The problem, one felt in Washington state and across the U.S.,...

Celebrating Success for Career and Technical Education Courses

For two years the Washington Business Alliance has been advocating for and celebrating the importance of hands-on, applied training that Career and Technical Education (CTE) delivers to high school students. CTE, also known as vocational training, actively engages and...

China Reveals Next Step in Evolution of the Commuter Train

China Reveals Next Step in Evolution of the Commuter Train

These days, we are continuously bombarded with announcements  of scientific breakthroughs and new advanced projects to power and add intelligence to our transportation system (i.e. - electric power, self-driving, artificial intelligence).  We are all anxiously waiting...

Inside the High-Stakes Chess Match over School Funding

By Crosscut's Tom James. After a long wait, the debate over state education funding got underway in earnest last week, as Democrats grappled with the year’s first major proposal from Republicans. The plan, released the previous weekend, details a series of policy...

Climate Change Creates Risk & Opportunity for WA Business

Climate Change Creates Risk & Opportunity for WA Business

“We don’t need an energy miracle” to effectively address climate change. That was the message a speaker from the Risky Business Project shared with Washington State business leaders earlier this month. Their new research identifies cost-competitive, low-carbon energy...

Closing Racial Achievement Gaps through Career Tech Education

Washington has some of the worst achievement gaps in the entire country. The state needs to address the performance gaps that divide student outcomes across incomes levels and racial backgrounds. Only five states rank worse than Washington in terms of the gap between...

Coalition Fights to Strengthen Career & Technical Education

CTE is shorthand for “Career & Technical Education”a set of programs that teach career and technology skills to middle & high school students. In recent years, CTE funding has become increasingly weakened in Washington State schools. If students can’t access...

Collaboration Results in Victory for WA Youth and Businesses

Collaboration Results in Victory for WA Youth and Businesses

The recent landmark changes in legislation impacting career and technical education (CTE) would not have been possible without the collaborative efforts of a committed group of individuals and organizations brought together by the Washington Business Alliance (WaBA)....

The Next Generation of Open Data

Technology is rapidly changing the expectations of users on how government data is accessed. The days of endless PDFs with pages of heavy text and a few pictures for illustration are disappearing. The public expects government data to be presented much like the apps...

Comment Submission

Following a legislative session where the Washington Business Alliance stood front and center in debates over carbon policy, we continue to collaborate with stakeholders in charting a productive course on this challenging issue for business. In recent months the...

Common Core Standards Good For Washington

Common Core Standards Good For Washington

Probably the most important and contentious question in education in our state is whether the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are better than the Washington State standards. Education standards were developed originally to ensure that all students were educated to...

Brookings: Education, Transportation Key for WA

by Matt Rosenberg on April 21, 2014 To succeed in the new century, U.S. metro regions including Seattle and 10 others in Washington must continue to build companies in advanced manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, aerospace, software, computer systems...

Building a Sustainable Regional Economy, One Great Company At a Time

It’s boom time again in the technology sector and every major region in the country is busy stretching the truth to declare itself America’s “next Silicon Valley". Most of these claims are silly on their face; the Bay Area has an 80-year head start as the global...

By the Numbers: Reducing Carbon Emissions in Washington State

by Hans D. Stroo & Quintin Barnes on October 20, 2014 1.) After Coal: The future of Washington's emission profile Where do Washington's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions come from? What are we doing to reduce GHG? Washington legislated GHG reduction targets for 2020,...

Can Students Succeed Without College?

In today’s economy, is a 4-year degree the only viable route to career success? One popular narrative compares college-goers to those whose education ends at high school graduation. This approach boils down to one simple finding: college grads perform better than...

Carbon Policy Explorer Enables Better Decision-Making

Recently there has been significant conversation in our state about climate change policy. Washington State residents have found need to evaluate many proposed policies aiming to price and regulate greenhouse gas emissions. A carbon tax appeared on the ballot in 2016...

2017 WA Legislature

2017 WA Legislature

The 2017 legislative session is in full swing. The Washington Business Alliance is actively tracking a number of bills pertaining to our PLAN Washington priorities in economy, education, environment, governance, health, and transportation. We are supportive of some of...

Bill Watch 2016

We’ve passed the first “cutoff” day of the 2016 legislative session. The number of bills being considered is winnowing down, as those that failed to move out of their first committee are brushed away. In terms of appropriations, the legislature received unexpected...

2016 Legislative Session Priorities

In 2016 the Washington Business Alliance is focused on strengthening Career Tech education and advancing its Low Carbon Prosperity agenda. We will also contribute to discussion on other strategies and recommendations within the recently released 2016 edition of PLAN...

5 Ingredients for Building Rural Economies

For decades, most rural economic-development efforts have focused largely on hitting that ever-elusive home run: landing the big corporate relocation or expansion. But as any economic-development professional knows, this can be a labor- and resource-intensive process...

A Lahar of Economic Benefits From Mount Rainier

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in late July the parking lot at Sunrise in Mount Rainier National Park - elevation 6,400 feet - is full of visitors speaking German, Spanish, and Japanese. Dozens of hikers are setting off in different directions, often in large groups and...

A Tale of Two Washingtons

Areas outside of Greater Seattle continue to post higher unemployment rates than the state average. The graph below uses data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Local Area Unemployment Statistics survey. The Seattle-Bellevue-Everett line captures the dramatic...

AJAC Molds New Plastic Process Technician Apprenticeship Program

In the United States, the plastics industry is the third-largest manufacturing industry. The outlook is strong nationally, from injection molding companies to high-demand 3D printing, plastics companies are expecting a 4.6 percent growth in 2016, which is projected to...

An Opportunity to Strengthen I-937

An Opportunity to Strengthen I-937

Hi, I’m David Giuliani. I’m an electrical engineer, inventor, and entrepreneur. I’m best known for inventing Sonicare and driving it to become the fastest growing private company in the US. I co-founded the Washington Business Alliance.  We’re driving Washington to a...